Whether you have ever owned a pet before or not, getting a pet to keep you company in your old age is a great idea. Many reasons have been given for such an acquisition. Here are some of the most frequently cited: Love and Affection A common ailment we suffer from as we get older is loneliness. Having a pet reduces that miserable feeling. You will be able to have company whenever you want (and sometimes, even when you don’t) that will adore you. Some call it “unconditional love,” but whatever you call it, you will be happy you are the recipient. Protection There are two things that you worry about: the real threat of burglars and predators and the general feeling of insecurity. A pet – especially a dog – makes you feel more secure and protected. It certainly is safer to have one around. Walks and Discovery Walking your pet is a safe way to compel you to exercise. You may also discover new eateries (that are pet-friendly) in your n...